Brewing Beer!

Nice little view of Lake Union

Brewing beer started as a hobby, but is something I have really grown passionate about (I suppose it's still a hobby though)

It has been quite the process of figuring out which inputs (malt, temperature, filtering, and so many more) really lead to good beer

I have learned that keeping detailed notes about how we might have "deviated" from the recipe (sometimes on purpose, sometime not) is really important

People always ask if I am saving any money by brewing my own beer, and in my mind I would like to think that I am.... but the reality is that every beer I brew at home probably costs about as much as from the store (if not more)

And it has really made me appreciate how much skill and effort goes into every bottle or can of beer that we causally buy at the store

Current Name Ideas

B&T Brewing (B&T are cat nicknames, not real names, not cat names.... cat nicknames)

Big Baller Brew

Sir Brews Alot

Brew Me Up Scotty

Brew Fiction

2001: A Brew Odyssey

Beer, For Tequila Enthusiasts

No, I have not gone over these ideas with my roomate and yes if you have a good idea for a name please email me *<:)