About Me:

Hello! Thanks for looking at my site, I really appreciate it

I grew up in the Seattle area, went down to Southern California (Long Beach) for college, then moved back up to Seattle in 2018.

After college, I was lucky enough to get started at Mighty.ai. We were aquried in June 2019 by Uber ATG and then that same group was aquried again in January 2021. When Aroura Innovation bought Uber ATG.

I work as a project manager on the ground truth team, I lead projects that label image/Lidar data that will then be used in autonomous driving applications

I have experience using R, Ruby on Rails, and SQL in a production environment and used Stata extensively for statistical analysis in grad school

This is my first attempt at making a live site using HTML and CSS (with a splash of javascript). It's all hosted in an AWS S3 bucket.

I like working within a small tight-knit team, on creative problems that require me to learn new things, and to have a significant impact